Sunday, March 06, 2005


Sleater-Kinney has a new album coming out. The disc is called The Woods and is going to be worth listening for the song "Modern Girl" alone. The tune is hardly what you'd expect from the rawk trio, but it'll make you sing.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Plugging back in

I've just plugged my headphones back into my computer.

My last post, i've decided, comes from my reasonable anger and fear, but it also comes from a quick-stab pessimism. There remains so much life and living for Dad; I wouldn't say again that all that's left is goodbye. There's a lot more left and I want us all to make the most of it.

This Frou Frou album is a good, gentle soundset to take a breath to.

EDIT (May 13, 2005):
My dad didn't get the time we thought he would; his health deteriorated quickly and he died a little more than a month later, on April 16th. Constance drove be back to Toronto from London in time to say a last goodbye at 11am.