Dear Lowfish,
it's the afternoon of valentine's day. it's snowing a little bit. your "flakmot" is playing in my apartment. lowfish, let's be valentines.
Love, kyra
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Gotta Get Out
I don't want to be here. Here as in Western. I have work to do for which I have no heart and if I don't get it done, and get it done well, I will fail the course, I'll be forced to withdraw from school and my parents' money will have been wasted. Not to mention years of my life. I want to find a job somewhere in Europe and forget about university for a while.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Freeing the Web
Made a very interesting discovery this morning: the wireless network that i can access from Conk's apartment on King St is also available to me here on Kent St. That's a fair distance. I'm likin' it. It won't be too long before everybody is able just to buy a network card or whatever (computers are coming with WiFi built in now, aren't they?) and jump from network to network as they travel around the city. I wouldn't mind paying some kind of fee for a national wireless network. Very cool. The purchase of my card is definately feeling less extravagent.
Throw rocks and cabbage at me, I'm an idiot.
The network that I get in my house isn't part of any widespread super-network -- it's a home network going by the name of its hardware, just like the one at Conk's apartment...bah! And here I thought I was living the cyber life. Well boourns to that. And boourns to my believing it while I'm tossing the boournes around.
1921, November 11
November the 11th is my Nanna's birthday. Had a nice chat with her. I wish I could have told her that I was coming home soon when she asked.
Happy Birthday Nanna! I love you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Sea Cucumber
C: "Look, there's the mouth and there's the anus. They're so close to eachother."
K: "Is that a baby?"
C: "No, Kyra. It's a sea cucumber."
K: "Oh."
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Yesterday It Snowed
Yesterday was this year's first snow fall and pretty it was.
Today is my first ever personal wireless hookup on campus; I got a wireless card. Yuppy-computer-time at Starbucks here I come.
I'm totally stumped by my Asian Population Development article summary. Son preference in Vietnam is a big and complicated problem; I don't know where to begin writing. So I'm doing this instead.
Oh ho ho, my eyeballs.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Gay exodus to Canada
A day after the re-election of Bush II, Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples reports that it recieved an increased number of inquiries into Canada's marriage and immigration policies.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
The Blow & Candy
Tomorrow night I'm going to Wallaceburg to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters at Conk's house. Looking forward to it. I'm not allowed to make the kiddies dance for their loot though...
On November the 6th, The Blow is playing with Barcellon Pavillion and The Yachts(??) at some out of the way place that I've never heard of before in Toronto. I want to go!
How could I have fogotten?? Tonight is the big Devil's Night party at 21 King. I have no costume. Uh oh. Hopefully Value Village will have something for me.
Suggestions have been:
Audrey Hepburn, a doctor, sorority girl, and my own lezbo stereotype. But there are two guys who have already decided to dress as 'diesel dykes' tonight and I think that might be more entertaining. So yeah.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Perspective Check
I need to sit down and have a long chat with some good old friend, a perspective check. Things are pretty good for me right now. I have a reliable group of friends around me, an education that I'm not paying for. I have a girlfriend that cares about me. Maybe the relative ease or the routine of my life is making me restless, prone to the over analysis -- and amplification -- of simple and meek issues. Situtataions and issues that, a year ago, I might not have given a minute's attention to; situations and issues that I might have even thought exciting and progressive. For years I've thought about the value of counselling, the worth of guidance from a professionally objective ear. Years ago I thought that it could help me and, in turn, those I cared about. I refused to engage in counselling and therapy: I let years of my life waste; I failed my Sister. After 2001, I resolved to seek advice and perspective before I could lose sight of what the real issues were again. I'm starting to feel the dissipation of that resolve. It's four years later, I've nearly turned full circle on the decision. I don't want to lose myself in a fog of dream-come-true. I don't want to be the person who gets what she wants but is so distracted by it that she loses sight of how she got it or forgets what it is that she was looking for. I can't stop growing here, now. I can't get caught up on the little things, or let myself into a mindset of now-or-never.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Birthdays Displaced
From the wild Barfday to today. Sorry tonight was a let down, Haz. Tomorrow we'll celebrate.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Making A Difference, Paul Simms
Did a lot of reading tonight - of news stories, personal pages, and editorials. This piece, written by Paul Simms in The New Yorker, is the best thing I've seen all day.
Attn: Hasdeep
Has, I'd like to borrow your course reader from MIT025 if you still have it. I want to get the names and works of some of the authors. Blackmore should post them online. Does he have a website, btw?
New Natives
CBC RADIO 3 has a beautiful piece entitled 'New Natives' in the current edition (Oct22-28).
Sometime soon I'd like to visit Tofino. What a nice name that would be for a kid.
To Do List
- Prioritize upcoming papers
- Read:
-- Isbister, "Promises Not Kept" (Ch 7)
-- Morrison, "Canadian Aid: A Mixed Record and an Uncertain Future"
-- Pratt, "Alleviating Global Poverty or Enhaving Security: Competing Rationales for Canadian Development Assistance"
-- Teevan and Hewitt, "Introduction to Sociology" (Ch 7,8)
- Prepare Thursday's discussion assignment
Monday, October 25, 2004
This Bus is Musical
This Thursday, LondonIndie and friends are heading to Toronto for a London music showcase at the ElMo. Twenty bucks gets you on the bus and into the venue. Departure is from the 'Wick around 6ish. Check out the site for details.
Friday, October 22, 2004
late night addition
The nice girl came home. ..and she says:
Sabolainen answered the door!!! And I came in and it was sooooo nice. I walked here and I was searching for the starry lights in the window, and they were there! So I knocked on the door lightly, and nobody answered. Then, I threw a stone at the window and I missed. Then I knocked again. Nobody again. Then I threw a beer cap at the window. And I missed. Then....I knocked again! And she came and got me. She's so dependable. and she's pretty and she's there and she's just. wow. you guys will never know the full Kyra cause you're not me! Well, I can give you a little insight (if you didn't already know). This girl would: give you everything she had if you asked her to. She believes people should be giving and caring ALL the time, regareless of what our genes say. She says I smell nice all the time. She has a the nicest smile and she smiles a lot!! She's just too good to be true. I love you sabo!! haha
Keep playing that keyboard cause you're going to be in a band soon. kyra's b button is kinda roken!! it's driving me crazy.
My night is a Phil Elvrum song
Today: Got out of bed in the late elevens. Came home, read, showered, read, made macaroni and cheese, got a call from Conk asking if I was going up to campus - I said not yet, read, read, read...went to campus. But not before missing the Richmond 6 once.
Later this Afternoon: Read at Taylor, walked to Talbot and back, read.
This Evening: Took the Anthro 281f exam; got my reasearch proposal back, 78%. Went to 21 King where a nice girl made me soup and gave me a beer; annoyed her with my keyboard explorations.
Tonight: Walked the nice girl to GT's, went in for a bit, met her ex-boyfriend from first year and a nice person named Erin. Left alone. Walked up Richmond and over to Talbot, almost past The Last Drop and then Ian called my name. Talked with Ian for a bit, promised (again) to go listen to him spin at the P.Keaton soon. He is a very kind boy. Enjoyed looking up at the crane before turning onto my street. Got home, locked the door, put on something warm. Went back and unlocked the door just in case the nice girl happened to come by. I don't know how I'm feeling.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
My site was visited by this guy who has a link to "Jon Stewart's Brutal Exchange with CNN Host." While I've yet to get the clip to play for me, the site looks like it might be a useful one. Take a look but discontinue use if you find yourself 'building buzz' for a swath of blue-chip companies. (IFILM boasts of this sideeffect in their About section.)
Aileen Koh...
has a blog entitled 'I cry and my heart breaks only because of beautiful things.' Really caught my attention.
Email from Ariel
Got this email from Ariel this morning;
a wonderful inbox find:
how are YOU? it's been too long since known what's happening in each
other lives, ie. "caught up", it's just "we need to catch up" has such a
horrible ring to it.
You know the only email I had of yours was the hotmail one which i'm not
sure if you use anymore so i searched for you name online and two
interesting things came up: one was your blog page, of which sadly i
read more now (two years post by the way) than when you were making it,
and the second one was an article you did for the Gazette refering to
some article i think. Anyway found the western address in the end.
How are things?
I'm in Northern THailand right now, CHaing Mai and shortly heading
across the border, east to Laos. Being outside of the western way of
thinking has really been making me think about life, ethics, school
towards job, everything really but in a whole new perspective.
Southern Thailand - the beaches are incrediably packed with Tourists who
are trying to escape their boring routine desk jobs for a couple of
weeks by "letting themself go". Bangkok wasn't very nice for that reason
cause most people we met were on their way or on their way back from the
beaches. SO Toti and i decided to go North and avoid that whole
hullabaloo. CHiang Mai is crazy, the thai people here are insanely
educated, there's book stores on every other corner carrying FIVE copies
of the same book i had to specifically order in Toronto. I wouldn't mind
living here actually, there's roof-top completely overgrown with plants
bars, where the only thing you can see above the skyline is temple ruins
and the stars. There's a rasta strip back alley with a serious of small
patioish bars holding live bands, bonfires, reggae beats and Bob Marley
murials run by dreads down to their bums Thai hippies. Nicely off the
beaten track. Just last year the prime minister (who graduated with BUsh
in Yale by the way), implement all these laws to "improve Thailand in
the international front" but inturn taking away their fun; the Marijuana
laws have skyrocketed towards the Thais (the police couldn't care less
about us tourists) making everyone shit scared to go near the stuff, and
instead of alcohol being served allnight everywhere by law has to close
at 1am. Every Thai i've met hates him for many other reasons too i'm
sure. So it's far less rough than it used to be. You could easily come
here ( maybe not the North ) from say Britain and not feel at all out of
your comfort zone.
I'm in the process of writing you a letter and i promise to actually
mail it to you this time.
hope everything's well at your end, tell me whatever's on your mind.
miss you, ( i think about you more than anyone over here you know, and
we don't even communicate for goodness sake )
Keep safe, Air. Hooray for you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Hard Knock Life
Monday, October 18, 2004
music this week
~ The Organ is playing at the office tomorrow night. Tickets are an affordable $7.
~ Saturday Looks Good To Me is at the same place on Friday. The prospect gets a psuedo-meh rating.
Seven Months
This 18th makes seven months with Constance. That's quite a lot of time. I'm feeling very lucky. ...understatement. I love you Conk.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
You Are Here
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
You are reading entry number one, third edition. If you've found your way here from allovertheplace you'll soon recognize that kslog is basically a cleaned up, slightly-evolved version of its decrepit aotp predecessor.
Entry number one, second edition, can be found here. aotp's time has arrived and the blog will be permanently archived in the coming days.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Today i signed up with Hello, a little app that lets you easily, and freely, add images to your blog. you don't even need to worry about hosting the images. i don't know where the pictures go, and i don't especially care just so long as they don't disappear anytime soon. now, check out that pretty mango tree!
Friday, June 18, 2004
Speakers gonna lightning strike
i'm trying to hoist myself back up into the WLM reviewers saddle.
poor dan. hasn't had a review from me in months.
poor editors. i haven't helped to unspliced a sentence in ages.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Audio Update
Yes, Audio Updates still exist in my head and on this page. There's not been too much really catching my attention lately, the exception coming just this evening in the form of Mirah's upcoming release C'mon Miracle!. It's coming out on May 4th. If I have any money, I'm gonna bring it home asap.
Jerusalem you know that it's not right
after all you've been through
you should know better than
to become the wicked ones
our mighty god once saved you from.
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Top 'o the Mornin' to Yah
This is so nice. The day is gorgeous and warm, I have a chai latte, campus is thawing and looking perfectly serene, and the library is nearly empty. There are a couple of things on my agenda today: work on my research proposal for geography, write a review or two for Dan, and see IG. I'm really not sure if the proposal is going to be written; however, I feel pretty guilty about how few reviews I've actually done for WLM, so I'm definitely going to write one of those, more would be nice.
I'm in love with how beautiful this day is! I'll have to take some pictures and post them later on. I just saw my first bare-legged skirt of the season! Wonderful! If the weather continues like this, it will be time to start biking to school again. I'm terribly out of shape: yesterday afternoon I ran up the stairs to see my parents' friends, Trudy and Norman, and I lost my breath. Norm, who is now recovering from his most recent heart attack, mentioned my huffing. Which made me feel a little I'm at the fitness level of the middle-aged heart attack patient.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Are You Sure You're Not...?
Last term was a horrible time for me: London was really starting to feel stale; i was becoming overwhelmingly (even for me - gasp!) neurotic. Luckily i had Jess' boxing day visit to look forward to, along with an agenda filled with other friends and quiet time. Even though i didn't get to see everybody over the holidays as much as i would have liked (i.e. Ariel), i got that calming feeling just from touching base with them and having them in front of me. When i got back to school, as i've mentioned before, i felt sooo much better. I felt calmer and happier, and, most importantly, i thought i could feel something good brewing.
The 'something good' being somebody good. But i didn't have any guesses on it - i think some part of my mind was keeping my imagination in check so as not to jinx anything. Something good has definitely emerged. It's nice, comfortable, exciting, and i have no sure way of knowing where it'll go, but no matter what happens i think i'll be glad that it found me.
And yeah, I'm sure.
Are You Sure You're Not...?
Last term was a horrible time for me: London was really starting to feel stale; i was becoming overwhelmingly (even for me - gasp!) neurotic. Luckily i had Jess' boxing day visit to look forward to, along with an agenda filled with other friends and quiet time. Even though i didn't get to see everybody over the holidays as much as i would have liked (i.e. Ariel), i got that calming feeling just from touching base with them and having them in front of me. When i got back to school, as i've mentioned before, i felt sooo much better. I felt calmer and happier, and, most importantly, i thought i could feel something good brewing.
The 'something good' being somebody good. But i didn't have any guesses on it - i think some part of my mind was keeping my imagination in check so as not to jinx anything. Something good has definitely emerged. It's nice, comfortable, exciting, and i have no sure way of knowing where it'll go, but no matter what happens i think i'll be glad that it found me.
And yeah, I'm sure.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
I Choo Choo Choose You!
Dear Lowfish,
it's the afternoon of valentine's day. it's snowing a little bit. your "flakmot" is playing in my apartment. lowfish, let's be valentines.
Love, kyra
I Choo Choo Choose You!
Dear Lowfish,
it's the afternoon of valentine's day. it's snowing a little bit. your "flakmot" is playing in my apartment. lowfish, let's be valentines.
Love, kyra
Saturday, February 07, 2004
Grace died last night. We love her. We'll miss her.
out in the trees, dirt on our knees
we laid him down forever
and on that hill there it was still
as in the ever after
he lays his rest we knew it best
to lay him down so gently
and now he sleeps where moss does creep
and no more is he with me
the birds did cry, and so did i
to think of life so lonely
and in their song i heard it long
what sadness, and what beauty
your friend is gone, but you live on
in life you loved him fully
but now little streams and forests dream
and all is made more holy
~ Samantha Parton (The Be Good Tanyas - Dogsong 2)
Friday, February 06, 2004
Time Warp
Well, it's been less than a week since the IG 'drama' crowded onto centre stage. With all the school-girlish gabbing I've been subjecting my friends to lately I'm sure they feel as though it's been longer. I do.
Three thoughts --
One) I probably shouldn't expect so much from somebody when word has it that they have a signio.
Two) With my positive feeback system-wild, neurotic thought patterns, my intuition probably isn't the most reliable in these situations.
Three) I really need to get a handle of the spazztaskica factor. Endearing to some, a complete turn-off to others.
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Comment/No Comment
Holidays went well.
Seeing Jessie again was really re-energizing. Drive in the country, beer at Castro's, belly dancing belt at Courage My Love, tepas during quiet hour, lots of walking, beach, warm weather, delayed flight. Very nice things.
When they dropped me back in London, my parents were none too impressed with the state of my apartment. The underwear on the floor is to be expected, but the pile of crap on my couch, in addition to the dirty dishes in the sink didn't really make for the image of good living that they were hoping for. And I agreed with them. It was a disaster zone, but I had been in a rush to get to the train station when I left and what can yah do. Things are getting tidier. I now have white Christmas lights here and there as well, which is making the atmosphere much more friendly and homey. I also have a large painters-tape outline of a robot on the wall. I'm a very classy interior stylist.
Finally made it to Montreal to see Dan in his element. Danced in the new year with him, his nice friend James, and my friend Carly. Next time I go to Montreal I will either wear crampons or go in warmer weather. I enjoyed the trip.
Not really into the blogging thing lately. Byeuh.
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