Thursday, January 27, 2005


My father, Gary, was diagnosed with cancer this morning. He has been in pain for months now. The doctors sent him to physio, prescribed pain killers, MISSED THEIR FUCKING CHANCE. The tumour they removed was in his neck, specifically a lymph node. Lymph nodes are basically cancer highways to your whole body. Once cancer has spread to lymph nodes, life expectancy drops significantly. Three years.
This weekend there will be talk of wills and radiation treatment. Maybe some sad jokes about toupees. I think that most of all, though, this weekend will be the start of a long goodbye.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


To: the author of the previous post
From: the author of the previous post

Things will get better. For awhile. Then, things will get really, really good. But that'll just be a lulling calm before the turnaround. Within a week, everything can be lost.