Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hasdeep: Victim of the Image Bandit

I copied this photo sans permission from Hasdeep's flickr space. I am a wild and out of control disregarder of copyright etiquette! And now you know what I look like drunk and wearing a wet suit.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Paste (Issue 18)

The Oct/Nov issue of Paste has a really nice sampler. Three tracks in and it's still complimenting my Sleemans buzz with gentle, shimmering guitars and muted, splashy cymbols. Almost snowy.

Ack. And a moment before the publish click comes David Grey singing something countrified.


What's this? Oooh, the first three songs were so good though! Track five = Cary Brothers with a sound akin to Etheridge.

Why publish now; let's see how many tracks until the next good song.

Pretty much indifferent to #6, although Dungen is treading pretty close to Coldplay territory here. Warning warning! (Sirens blare, coloured lights revolve and cast mist shadows against submarine steel.)

Onward, iTunes, onward!

Here's a familiar one -- BSS's messy, tantrumatic "Ibi Dreams of Pavement." Been listening to this one a lot lately. Disc for Christmas, maybe? Please, yes.

I need some binoculars for this laptop. Binoculars for my eyes. All the better to see you with, my pixels.

End transmission.

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia: Where's the buzz?

Coming soon: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Let's all start getting excited over Narnia's upcoming cinematic release.
Screw Harry Potter -- Dawson's Creek with cloaks and wands, I say.
C.S. Lewis is where the real magic's at.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tonight I'm remembering what a good buddy my dad was. Kind soul. Missing.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


McDonald's is the devil. Yes yes. But it's quick and sometimes cheaper than buying the food to make a meal to eat on the bus on the way to night classes when you live in the house that Jack built.

CO 108; post is coming and it will be below

mista newland, i am still writing the draft for the post on toronto's violence/canada's social failure. please be patient.
p.s. this room needs a machine that dispenses delicious soup for free.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

About Page!

When I follow links on a whim and they haven't been thoroughly described on the refferant site, my mouse often goes straight for the new page's About section. I like About sections. Attn. Internet producers: Please feed the About section.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Subway, underground, metro mapped: iPod

iSubwayMaps offers reference images to bring along on your portable media player the next time you find yourself on an unfamiliar subway sytem.

Toronto's subway system is a cinch running mostly along one east-west line and two north-south lines. There really isn't a need for carry-on cartography, but bringing along a subway map sure is a fun idea when it's sitting on an iPod.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Goldfrapp's Supernature

Supernature is Goldfrapp's latest album. I like it a lot. A lot of critics don't. I think you should have a listen.

Ariel and Toti

Ariel and Toti
Originally uploaded by ksavo.
So...I've rediscovered Flickr. Here's another photo. This time it's Toti and Air at my Nanna's cottage in Haliburton. What are we reading today? It looks like People or US Weekly. We'll pretend it's not. FIN.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sony DRM: rootkit

Thanks to I've been doing my best to follow the Sony corruption story. What I've gathered is very basic, but has led me to a definitive conclusion: I have no faith in Sony Corporation or its products. The company has lied numerous times and continues to disrespect its customers and violate its customers' electronics with its ridiculous licences, malware, patents, etc.

The situation is just unbelievable, really.

Funny that just recently I was thinking that maybe I would stick with Sony MiniDisc player -- and its irritating OpenMG Jukebox software -- instead of switching to Apple's new iPod and iTunes. Hah! Decision made easier. iPod in the mail.

Not a Cat Person

Originally uploaded by Colla-Dickel Cats.
If you ever get the horrendous idea of giving me a kitten, please find one just like this adorable guy.

Constance in her Element

Constance in her Element
Originally uploaded by ksavo.
A few weeks ago (on a Saturday) Constance and I were feeling cozy and homebodied. So instead of going out we stayed in bed playing on our laptops and drinking Sleemans.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dino got Game

Filed under Time Waster and Games. Orisinal : Morning Sunshine.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Podtender 3.1

Enrique Quintero Design | Podtender 3.1. I would not like you if you brought this to my bar. It's going on my machine as soon as I get it.

Prête à Podder

Get it?! Eh? Like prête à porter! GENIUS! hrm...

Use Podtropolis to find torrents for G5-ready video content. Uploading also encouraged.

BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine

Created BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine account. Have been looking to upload my bookmarks (from multiple computers) to the web for awhile. High hopes.

American Analog Set - Nov 13

American Analog Set plays the Horseshoe on November 13. Tix $12(?). Amy and I will be there.

Favourite times with Amy: (1) Dancing on the bed to April March - Moto Shag (2) Paddling up Canoe Lake to crash a Camp Ahmek ceremony. Against the wind there and back.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Robot Uprising

Your robo-help is acting a little suspiciously as of late. Do you have an emergency plan in place to deal with a robot uprising? An AI rebellion is no laughing matter! Inform yourself today.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Got Podcast?

This afternoon, while I catch up on my reading of Marketing Magazine (for school) and CBC's Radio3 programming (for myself), I'm wondering what the best program is for dealing with podcasts.

Right now I'm listening to a show I downloaded from NewsGator using Media Player. I've used iPodder before and liked its feel and look, but I hear that iTunes lets you flip through chapters -- and songs, even -- in a podcast. That would pretty nift. I'd probably be with iTunes already, but, as far as I know, iTunes can't automatically update its library when new MP3 files turn up like Media Player does.

What do you use to collect and listen to your favourite podcast? Leave a comment.


Pattern Recognition by William Gibson
Marketing Magazine

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Madonna - Hung up on Stefani

Constance just played Madonna's song "Hung Up" for me. Outright Gwen Stefani "What You Waiting For" intro rip-off, for starters. And then it goes into some 80s song that I haven't yet put my finger on. First thought was "Rasputin," but that's not it. Leave me a comment if you know.

Madonna should really just start bootlegging herself. I'm sure the world would masturbate all over it. Madonna the Material Girl vs Madonna the Cher.

UPDATE: !--> ABBA. "Gimme!" Good thing for that geeky spot in my early teens. (*Kyra, your entire teen era was geeky. I'm not sure that it ever actually ended.* Ah...right.)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

iPod: Bought and Sold

Purchased. Waiting to receive shipment tracking info. Black, 30GB, factory sealed. Feeling consumption's queze.
Also thinking: Perhaps postpone opening package, just in case iPod -- Video, Black -- goes Tickle-Me-Elmo this Christmas.