Monday, March 20, 2006

Parisian Chimmneys

Parisian Chimmneys
Originally uploaded by Kyra Savolainen.
Photo taken out a window at Hotel Ducs d'Anjou, Paris.

Bunker entrance

Bunker entrance
Originally uploaded by Kyra Savolainen.

Shooter window

Shooter window
Originally uploaded by Kyra Savolainen.

You've won a peach coloured sunset

Photo taken at the apex of a day's walk in the English countryside.

Google gobbles Writely

After sending a great number of work-attached emails to myself this school year, I've belatedly discovered online word processing. Unfortunately, the phenomenon has entered my sights just as Google acquires Writely ( seemingly the most accessible WP service), and promptly suspends new account registration.

With my interest in online WP piqued and Writely's current unavailability, I've set out to find an alternative. Now onscreen is ThinkFree Office Online (beta).

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Reminder to Self

Find Thortons/Thornley(?) toffee for "Eric at school". (Met on Thurs morning, offered London suggestions, shared PMB for comparison.)