Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Now Hiring: Torontoist

Torontoist, a city-blog and part of the quickly upsizing Gothamist network, is hiring. The site is looking for contributors of all sorts who, it seems, will be mostly unpaid -- they mention a financial ability to buy coffee when addressing monetary compensation for works submitted, but, on the bright side, whose posts will reach a broad audience, and sit alongside the posts of a jolly assortment of other Toronto lovers.

The job description also mentions 'accreditation.' I'm not certain what this means, but am momentarily enjoying the thought of it having something to do with wearing a multi-pocketed vest* or overcoat, and a press badge around one's neck.

*related to previous post


Anonymous said...

you should totally go for this position...you are perfect for it! xoxo

David Topping said...

We pay! We pay! Just not very much. That'll hopefully change in the new year when we target advertising more aggressively and increase readership substantially.

And accreditation means you pretty much get into wherever you want to get into, though your name'll probably be on a list most times, not around your neck on an actual pass. :)

And yes, yes you should apply.
- David Topping, Torontoist