Tuesday, May 20, 2003

This Afternoon

I like the way the rain makes everything feel so alive and re-connected. The sounds of running, falling water adds a vital, syncopated rhythm to the urban score. I've never heard anyone complain about the sound of rain. At the same time, watching the water drop on so much hard ground is saddening when you start to think about it. Puddles form where there is no grass, no earth, no natural water course to join. Instead of leaves and root systems to use and administer the downfall, there are rooves and sewers to move it away. And if the rain keeps falling like it is, the sewers will exceed their capacity, and overflow into the Lake. The rain finally making its way back to the water body, but bringing all of our shit along with it. It's the destruction of Lake Ontario using an ant trap method. We allow the rain to use these sewer systems that are filled with our poisons, contaminating that water and then, in turn, the body of water it eventually becomes part of.

I have a bit of head ache right now. I'm pretty sure its due to the day's weather system. Which is actually sort of comforting. It's proof of still being a true part of the natural environment. Not that I need a headache to be aware of this...but you know, it's a warning that I think a lot of us need. I wish more people in Toronto (and the rest of the province, country, world) would get more headaches. Maybe our arrogance/ingnorance levels would taper off a bit.

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